The extremely awesome League of Legends orchestral score from the World Finals is now available for download:
Special thanks to Craven Stabbed-Mess.
This blog was created as a platform for users of all skill levels to provide advice about League of Legends game play.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Who is your jungler and what does he do?
Check out this amazing jungling guide by Hahano
He gives a comprehensive pro/con analysis of just about every viable jungle champion in the game and gives multiple tips/tricks as well as a fairly thought-out description of how to play the jungler effectively.
He gives a comprehensive pro/con analysis of just about every viable jungle champion in the game and gives multiple tips/tricks as well as a fairly thought-out description of how to play the jungler effectively.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Fun Fact: TF's Ult will grant a true vision aura around enemies, being able to see enemy wards near enemy champions
Fun Fact: TF's Ult will grant a true vision aura around enemies, being able to see enemy wards near enemy champions
How to do the Double Gold-Card Trick on Twisted Fate
How to do the Double Gold-Card Trick on Twisted Fate
Great video by Darxus showing how the double-gold card trick works on Twisted Fate.
Great video by Darxus showing how the double-gold card trick works on Twisted Fate.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
League of Legends - Google Trends
League of Legends - Google Trends shows interest in LOL is clearly growing...