Wednesday, October 24, 2012

League of Legends Orchestral Score

The extremely awesome League of Legends orchestral score from the World Finals is now available for download:

Special thanks to Craven Stabbed-Mess.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Who is your jungler and what does he do?

Check out this amazing jungling guide by Hahano

He gives a comprehensive pro/con analysis of just about every viable jungle champion in the game and gives multiple tips/tricks as well as a fairly thought-out description of how to play the jungler effectively.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fun Fact: TF's Ult will grant a true vision aura around enemies, being able to see enemy wards near enemy champions

Fun Fact: TF's Ult will grant a true vision aura around enemies, being able to see enemy wards near enemy champions

Saturday, October 6, 2012

League of Legends - Google Trends

League of Legends - Google Trends shows interest in LOL is clearly growing...