Tryndamere is arguably the best attack damage carry in the game. Tryndamere's passive ability supplies him with more critical strike chance based on how much health he is missing (0.5% per 1% health missing) Tryndamere's Undying Rage ability (his ultimate) keeps his health from going lower than 1hp for six seconds... so essentially every attack he dishes out during this six seconds will be a critical strike. Couple this ability to be invulnerable for six seconds with the fact that Tryndamere has a self-heal, a slow, a very high base attack damage, and an ability that allows him to spin through walls, and you can see how lethal Tryndamere can get.
Difficulty of Play - 9/10
- Your timing has to be near-perfect, and you need an in-depth knowledge of all opposing champion's disables/silences/stuns/etc. as this will directly effect when you use your ult.
- You have to constantly push enemy minions to gain gold, even when enemies are missing in action. (Remember, you have 3 methods of escaping, Flash/Ghost/Spin)
- Determining when to attack and when to retreat takes A LOT of practice. Much of it depends on your chance to critically strike.
Ideal Item Purchase Sequence:
Brawler's Gloves - 8% Critical Strike
Health Potion (x2) - Restores 200 Health over 20 seconds.
Avarice Blade - 12% Critical Strike
Passive: Gain an additional 5 Gold every 10 seconds.
(Replaces Brawler's Gloves in Slot 1)
Boots of Speed - UNIQUE Passive: Enhanced Movement 1.
Dagger - 15% Attack Speed
Berserker's Greaves - 25% Attack Speed
UNIQUE Passive: Enhanced Movement 2.
(Replaces Boots of Speed in Slot 2)
Brawler's Gloves - 8% Critical Strike
Dagger - 15% Attack Speed
Zeal - 20% Attack Speed
10% Critical Strike
8% Movement Speed
(Replaces Brawler's Gloves in Slot 3)
Vampiric Scepter - 12% Lifesteal
NOTE: Sell your Health Potion(s) for gold if not used.
Cloak of Agility - 18% Critical Strike
Dagger - 15% Attack Speed
Phantom Dancer - 45% Attack Speed
30% Critical Strike
20% Dodge Chance
12% Movement Speed
(Replaces Zeal in Slow 3)
Brawler's Gloves - 8% Critical Strike
Executioner's Calling - 15% Lifesteal
15% Critical Strike Chance
UNIQUE Passive: Attacks on enemy champions apply a debuff on them for 8 seconds that reduces incoming healing by 40%.
(Replaces Vampiric Scepter in Slot 4)
B.F. Sword - 50 Attack Damage
Cloak of Agility - 18% Critical Strike
Infinity Edge - 80 Attack Damage
20% Critical Strike
UNIQUE Passive: Critical hits now deal 250% damage instead of 200%.
(Replaces B.F. Sword in Slot 5)
Long Sword - 10 Attack Damage
The Brutalizer - 25 Attack Damage
UNIQUE Passive: reduces ability cooldowns by 10% and 15 Armor Penetration.
Youmuu's Ghostblade - 30 Attack Damage
15% Critical Chance
UNIQUE Passive: 20 Armor Penetration 15% Cooldown Reduction
UNIQUE Active: you gain 20% move speed and 50% attack speed for 4 seconds. Attacking enemy units with melee attacks increases the duration by 2 to a maximum of 8 seconds. 60 second cooldown.
(Replaces Avarice Blade in Slot 1)
B.F. Sword - 50 Attack Damage
The Black Cleaver - 75 Attack Damage
Passive: Physical attacks reduce your target's Armor by 12 for 5 seconds (maximum 5 stacks)
(Replaces B.F. Sword in Slot 6)
NOTE: If enemy team has very little healing, sell Executioner's Calling in Slot 4 and purchase The Bloodthirster for extra damage. It is very important that you have 300 gold to spare for an Elixir of Agility, as your Critical Strike chance will have decreased.
Elixir of Agility - Grants 12-21% Critical Strike, based on champion level, and 35% Attack Speed for 4 minutes.
Elixir of Fortitude - Grants 230-400 Health, based on champion level, and 20 Attack Damage for 4 minutes.
Oracle's Elixir - Gives your Champion stealth detection until they die.
Critical Strike Chance: +2%
Cooldown Reduction: -3%Attack Speed: 4%
Armor Penetration: -6
Damage to Minions: +4
Attack Damage: +3, +5%
Critical Strike Damage: +10%Health Regeneration: +4%
Experience Gain: +2.5%
9x Greater Mark of Furor +2.23 critical damage
9x Greater Seal of Furor +0.78 critical damage
9x Greater Glyph of Furor +0.56% critical damage
3x Greater Quintessence of Swiftness 4.5% movement speed
+32.13% critical strike damage
+4.5% movement speed
Summoner Spells:
Ghost and Flash allow you to farm minions in enemy territory with a very high chance of escape if they try an ambush.
Ability Selection:
1 - Bloodlust
2 - Spinning Slash
3 - Bloodlust
4 - Mocking Shout
5 - Bloodlust
6 - Undying Rage
7 - Bloodlust
8 - Spinning Slash
9 - Bloodlust
10 - Spinning Slash
11 - Undying Rage
12 - Spinning Slash
13 - Mocking Shout
14 - Spinning Slash
15 - Mocking Shout
16 - Undying Rage
17 - Mocking Shout
18 - Mocking Shout
Things to Watch out for:
Thornmail - Upon being hit, returns 30% of damage taken to you as magic damage. (Lifesteal helps to counter this effect, but a tank wearing Thornmail will have a huge advantage wearing this armor.)
Exhaust - This spell makes Tryndamere practically useless for 3-3.5 seconds. If exhausted, it is best to use your Spinning Slash ability to temporarily escape this effect. (Your Spinning Slash ability will still do damage to the enemy, so spin into them if they are REALLY low on health.)
Rammus - This champion is basically the ideal-counter to Tryndamere. If you encounter an enemy Rammus, either ask to switch lanes with a teammate or run the other way. (If Rammus doesn't purchase Thornmail late game, feel free to lay some siege on him just as you would any other enemy champion)

This build is entirely focused on critical strike chance & critical strike damage, playing Tryndamere any other way usually ends with poor with results.
- Avoid consuming your bloodlusts until you either need the health or have no enemy to strike. Bloodlusts add a significant amount of damage and critical strike to your attacks allowing you to strike enemy champions harder and farm minions easier.
- Take advantage of Spinning Slash to get the last hit on enemy minions. Spinning Slash is also directly correlated to your critical strike chance as 2 seconds are shaved off it's cooldown whenever you strike critically.
- If you have a large amount of hp, use your Mocking Shout ability to lower surrounding enemy's physical damage. If their backs are turned, they will be slowed for 4 seconds.
- Do not consume your bloodlusts right before you use your Undying Rage ability, if you are ignited or infected with poison you will find yourself slain. It's best to keep an eye on the Undying Rage timer and consume the bloodlusts 0.5 seconds before the timer ends. (This will leave you with a 100+ health as opposed to 1 health)
- Don't be afraid to sacrifice 1/4 of your health to last-hit a few minions or to harass an enemy. Remember, Tryndamere is most lethal when low on health.
- Mocking Shout and Spinning Slash cost health instead of mana, avoid using those abilities if extremely low on health.
- Remember, Tryndamere is a late game character, if you're stuck hugging a tower during the first 10 minutes of the game, that's perfectly acceptable.
- Kill the Dragon and Lizard Elder whenever possible for extra gold/experience/damage. (Playing this build allows for Tryndamere to solo the Dragon at level 10)
- Lane with healing/support champions such as Sona, Taric, Kayle, and Soraka.
- There are several successful champion combinations that work very well with this Tryndamere carry build, but in my opinion the best is Zilean. (Zilean has a Chrono Shift ability that revives you upon death, a hard-hitting-AP-based ranged attack, and a Time Warp ability that grants you a speed boost... basically everything you need to be a successful killing machine)
Please feel free to comment! : )
13/0/6 in a 30 min 5v5 :) crit pretty much every hit and could kill people like heimerdinger in 3-4 hits GOOD JOB and thanks
ReplyDeletebest build ever
ReplyDeletesounds epic, ill check it out
ReplyDeleteLike This thread..
ReplyDeleteIt's a very good guide thought..
Would this work on other crit based characters/carry's?(gangplank, ashe, twitch)
ReplyDeleteThe game has changed quite a bit since I created this build, but shortly put, yes it will work.
ReplyDeleteKeep in mind, GP, Ashe, and Twitch all have mana, so you'll need to build accordingly. Banshees is almost a no-brainer with those champs you listed. (minus maybe GP)
Good luck!