Saturday, October 9, 2010

How to Jungle in League of Legends

How to Jungle in League of Legends

<---- Great video by Stonewall008
1) Pick a good jungler champion. Warwick, Fiddlesticks, Udyr, Olaf, Amumu for starters.
2) Buy wards.You have to know the moment a monster or the dragon spawns so you can kill it quickly. Also you need to know when the enemies are trying to take your buffs away.
3) Jungling is a task not a role. Yes you're supposed to be in the jungle, but your main purpose is to eventually leave the jungle for the lanes when A) a good situation for a gank comes up. B) When your teammates need a tower covered to shop or recover.
4) If your team doesn't know how to ping for help you may not be in a position to jungle for that team. Jungling requires paying a lot of attention to the lanes. If your team doesn't know when to call you in for the gank (or help) you become useless towards your team very quickly.
5) Come out to assist on tower knockdowns. Taking down towers wins the game so if you hear an enemy being slain, pay attention.

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